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+918281816969 (WhatsApp)

Non Consummation

Non Consummation




Non Consummation is the inability of the couple to have successful intercourse.

It is an important reason for infertility as male cannot deposit semen inside  wife’s vagina.

About 15% of couples have this problem even though they achieve orgasm by masturbation / stimulation of genitals.



1. Ignorance about the sexual act

2. Sexual Aversion of one or both partners

3. Decrease in desire for one or both partners

4. Vagnismus (Involuntary Spasm of vaginal wall of female partner which did not allow penetration of penis)

5. Dyspareunia ( Painful intercourse)

6. Thick Hymen

7. Fear of  consequences of sexual act

Presentation of Non Consummation: Common complaints

1. “I cannot penetrate” – He may try to penetrate at a wrong site or in a wrong direction or she may be having vaginismus

2. “My penis gets soft when I try for penetration” – Due to performance anxiety

3. “I ejaculate before penetration” – Due to premature ejaculation

Consequence of Un Consummation

1. Marital Conflict

2. Divorce

3. Depression

4. Infertility

5. Suicide

Treatment Plan:

1. Both the partners must attend the counselling physician

2. Anatomy and Physiology of Male and Female are explained with the help of slides

3. Examination of genitals: One finger Per-Vaginal examination should be done in the presence of husband to enable him to understand the site and the direction of vagina.

4. Medications & Techniques for Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation

5. Couple Therapy / Sex Therapy : Very effective method. Requires at least 4 sittings.



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